Elusive Wildlife Moments Caught On Trail Cameras


Discover the awe-inspiring world of elusive wildlife captured through the lens of trail cameras. From rare species to breathtaking behaviors, this article unveils a collection of captivating moments that were once hidden from human eyes. Get ready to be amazed as you delve into the remarkable photographs, showcasing nature's hidden gems and the incredible work of these discreet camera traps. Brace yourself for an unforgettable journey into the secret lives of animals.

And I'm Out

This deer had about enough of this hangout and decided to dip.

An Irish exit caught on camera. The deer on the right have no idea their friend just left the party. Maybe the deer had a feeling like something bad was about to happen?

Two Best Friends

Another example of raccoons being smart and using friends to get what they want.

Couple of raccoons and a wild board decided they wanted to hange out. Nothing like a hunter's food feeder to feast on. Major score for the animal friends while the hunter watches through his camera.

Clowning Around

Well if this isn't the scariest thing I've seen today... or ever.

For hunters, it is not unusual to leave trail cameras in their backyard to observe what type of game is in the area. The person who caught this had no idea who this was or why they were prowling the woods late at night. No one ever expected to encounter a human in the deep woods... Especially not a clown!

Wolf Gang

This alpha wolf decided he'll be the one to check out the strange camera.

You don't get the alpha title for no reason! This wolf was like he fellas stay back I got this! No one is going to be watching this wolf pack for free! I wouldn't mess with them anyway. Carry on wolf pack, carry on.

New Hair Style

A little new hairstyle for our buck friend. We think he looks fantastic.

Animals are just like humans in terms of fashion sense, right? This deer saw an interesting tumbleweed and decided, "I think this will look good on my head!". He wasn't wrong.

Back That Thing Up

If you got it, flaunt it. That's what they say anyway.

This bear has been putting in his time at the gym. A steady diet of squats, lunges, and hip thrusters mixed in with some high protein salmon, and this bear is growing that booty.

Don't Leave Me Behind!

Never leave a friend behind! Even if that friend is a different species.

During the evening, just as this buck thought he would have a nice, quiet night munching on that plant, a flying squirrel attacks him. Why does it attack the buck? Does it want to ride him? They must be friends.

Too Fast Too Furious

A high speed chase caught on a trail camera will be a clip this hunter keeps forever.

It's safe to say that this deer doesn't have a chance. It's also safe to say the hunter who owns this trail camera is going to be bragging about this chase for the rest of their life. Seriously 1 in a million odds of capturing this in the wild.

Singing For The Camera

Who knew wolves were such hams that they haven't to perform when in front of a camera.

Anytime you see a wolf, start recording and they'll sing you a song of their tribe. Okay well, not sure if that is totally true, but how perfect was the shot above. Brilliant howling under the moonlight.

Deer Party

This is every hunter's dream scenario, but I don't know if one hunter could handle all that deer smoke.

Deer herds travel in packs together in the winter to keep warm so they can survive the hard winter conditions. This rare scene caught by a trail camera must of had the hunter drooling over the possibilities.

Yum, You Got Anymore?

A quick photo after this deer had a delicious snack.

We would like to think that this deer stopped by the hunter's trail camera after enjoying a delicious lunch to say thank you to the hunter and then went about it's little deer day.

That's Mine

This buck has had enough and wants what is his. Be gone!

Enough is enough. This deer is not messing around with his food this time. He got to the feeder first and is claiming his territory, but should we tell him what happens if he stays too long at the feeder?

You Like My Mohawk?

An extremely rare find from this trail camera. The hunter had to be thrilled when viewing this.

This is one for the ages. Whoever recorded this fantastic animal in the wild is going to be showing off this picture for the rest of their life. Absolutely majestic.

Demon Moose

An extremely rare shot captured by the trail cam here of a moose shedding.

As moose get older, they begin shedding the skin on their antlers as can be seen in the image above. It looks absolutely horrific, but it's just nature being nature.

Caught Red Handed

Just a random man caught in the woods hanging out with a deer?

Why is this happening? So many questions left unanswered here. Why does this deer not care that the man is literally standing right next to him? Why is this man walking through the woods? Is he Dr. Doolittle?

Away With You!

Why does this coyote look so angry! Just a couple of deer taking a walk. Sheesh buddy!

There was a disgruntled coyote who spotted these two deer on an evening stroll. This coyote appears on the defensive rather than the offensive, so he's probably guarding something that he doesn't want these looky-loos to touch. He made it very clear that they should not be there. 

Food Fight

When two different animals come across food in the wild, you can be sure a fight will come next.

A food feeder out in the wild attracts all kinds of animals, even ones you might not of expected. The deer here has had enough of the company and wants to eat alone in peace.

Last Supper

Deer squad together for a nice peaceful meal in the middle of the woods. What could go wrong?

We think the deer on the left knew something wasn't right when his whole squad got a free dinner. The camera recording them probably tipped him off.

Sooo Big!

Just a bear doing some morning stretches. A light workout before a beautiful day.

Few people have ever seen a bear hold a yoga class, so this trail camera picked up an extremely lucky scene. You can tell by the bears form that it has done this in the past. Well done!

Creepiest Trail Cam Photo

So why is this little girl completely comfortable hanging out with this deer family?

One of the creepiest trail camera photos you'll ever see, and trust us we've seen a bunch to make this for you. A girl wondering the woods in the middle of the night hanging around with a deer family, caught by a trail camera.

Thay Cheese

Sometimes deer just want some screen time. Just take a look at this beauty.

This deer is just being silly in front of the camera. Can't image how taunting this is for the hunter who is watching the film.

Pick Me A Winner!

This Papa bear is showing his cub how to pick through the garbage to find something good.

If this is indeed the case, then it might explain why bears dig in trash to find food! This certainly must be an important part of the bears' rite of passage, so much so that they have the parent bear helping out the baby bear.

Work Together Team

Raccoons and actually pretty smart, they'll use team work to get what they want.

Just another example of raccoons being smarter than you thought. They stack on top of each other to open the feeder, then they feast until they pass out. What a life!

Daddy Duty

When the mom goes to sleep and tells the dad it's his turn to take care of the baby.

This Dad decided to take his baby out for a walk in the middle of the night. We can only assume the mom was trying to get some sleep and told him to take the baby somewhere. Just being a good father!

60 Inch Vertical

This deer is an absolute athlete. How many deer you know with a 60-inch vertical jump?

The buck seen above is showing off it's talents infront of the camera in hopes he gets recruited to the professional deer team. Good luck hitting this buck hunters.

Hi, Hello, You In There?

A bird coming to ask your if you paid for your car insurance yet.

Little bird that was ready for his close up is hilarious. It's almost like the bird opened up his phone to take a picture and the camera lens was pointed back at him.

Hawk Fights

Epic hawk fight featuring two large hawks battling it out over some delicious left overs.

Lucky for us a trail camera was nearby to capture this battle that even the best nature photographer would have a 1 in a million chance of ever capturing in person. Trail cameras give us a deep look into nature like we've never seen before.

You Looking At Me?

This buck had the craziest look in his eyes, like he's possessed.

Sometimes trail cameras can make even the nicest animals on the planet look like possessed beasts that will eat your soul. Even though he's probably not a demon, I'd still keep my distance.

Gone Fishing

This bear seen below is showing off his huge catch of the day to the camera.

With fishing skills like this bear, you'll never go hungry. And as you see the bear is proud of its catch of the day. Well deserved dinner.

Deer on Deer Crime

These deer have had enough of each other and an audience gathered to watch the fight.

The hunter's feeder attracts all kind of animals to the feast, but these two deer are trying to claim their territory. Who will win the fight and take the food.

I'll Take This

Don't mind this hawk picking up its dinner to go like a drive through window.

Obviously, the hawk scooped up its dinner right there in front of the trail camera. Meanwhile, there's the poor deer in the background who literally just witnessed a murder.

My Good Side

A wild boar out for a midnight stroll in the wood captured without its clothes on.

This little piggy got lost going to the market. A boar in the middle of the woods is what some hunters dream of so whoever owns this trail camera was probably hyped when they saw the footage.

Fight Fight Fight

There is a fine line between love and hate. These two are either falling in love or are about to battle.

It does look pretty heated. There are reports that porcupines fight over females, so that could very well be the cause... These adorable guys actually fight to death. The wild secret life of a porcupine.

Say Cheese

Just a mommy deer and her baby stopping for a quick pic.

There's nothing cuter than a mama deer posing with her fawn for a trail camera picture. That would make the perfect profile photo if animals could be on social media! 

Let's Dance

Mountain lion verse a wolf is something few people have seen, this trail camera captured the elusive moment.

The mountain lion would only interact with the wolves when they are hunting for food, and the mountain lion is probably more interested in some other kind of prey than the wolves.

Merry Christmas

Even wild bears like themselves a little Christmas spirit. Here we see the bear taking his yearly Santa photos.

His sense of humor is evident from the fact that he placed the little Santa in front of the trail camera to catch some funny moments! It looks like this bear wasn't feeling very festive and wanted to take Santa down.

Now Slide To The Left

Is this a group of bucks dancing or are they having a serious discussion?

On this game camera, we may have caught the moment of a buck rally. The one in the middle appears to be talking, but we have no idea what is being discussed. Could it be about where the best berries are located?


Just a raccoon hanging out with its deer buddies on a beautiful night.

The act of hanging out with others of a different species can be beneficial for both of them, so it's quite common among animals to do so. This raccoon and his buddies are just having fun hanging out with each other.

Going Up!

A quick game of tag that went a little bit too far.

This coyote and raccoon may have been a serious game of tag that pushed the coyotes boundaries. Luckily the raccoon figured out the coyote wasn't messing around and decided to climb a tree where the coyote couldn't get to him.

Tight Squeeze

Just a bear taking a morning walk through some very tight woods.

Sometimes trail cameras actually capture very peaceful photos. This camera was lucky enough to catch this bear out for a morning stroll. A good time for the hunter to not be out there in the wild.

How You Doing?

Never get between a squirrel and his nuts. And never record where the stash is hidden.

And also never record a squirrel without the squirrel's consent. As seen here the squirrel is holding up the camera and trying to strong-arm it into doing whatever it says. They are extremely protective over their hidden stashes.

Bald Eagle's Territory

Eagles and hawks fighting to the death is a story as old as time.. apparently.

As the bald eagle fought with the equally large hawk for supremacy in the countryside, the smaller birds caught in the crossfire were trying their best to avoid the blows. Hawks and eagles are actually known to fight to the death across different parts of the country. It must be that they don't like each other very much.

A Hat, If You Will..

This buck has had enough of this plastic deer just hanging around his territory.

Honestly, this is way too much for one to handle. This poor guy got stuck with a plastic deer figure in his antlers. He must have seen this plastic deer, got upset with it, and rammed into it pretty hard for it to get stuck that way. Here's hoping someone found him and caught him, but if not, here's hoping he can be rescued soon!

No One Is Watching Trust Me

This guy is giving it his best, little does he know there is a camera on.

The two lovebirds decided that it would be a good idea to take a moment and take a break from running through the woods the whole night together. Just another magical moment caught by a trail camera that otherwise would of gone unknown.

Moonlit Stroll

A mountain lion couple out for a lovely midnight stroll.

Nothing to be concerned about here as this security camera records two mountain lions on a date not even 5 feet from the owners door step. You have to be prepared for this kind of thing living so close to nature.

Well This Is Awkward

No, this deer isn't a rabbit being pulled out of a magician's hat.

Well, well, well what is going on here? Looks like a couple of deer decided to get into a little late night mischief. A performance for the trail camera perhaps.

How'd That Get There?

After a long night out with his deer buddies, he comes walking in the door looking a mess.

We've all been there right? In all seriousness hopefully this buck ended up getting that barrel off his antlers. Sometimes messing around too much with the fellas can get you into trouble. This is his life now.


Smart little deer getting some screen time, or at least is curious about the camera in front of him.

This was what one of our trail camera users saw when they opened the notification of movement detected when they opened the notification tracker. Judging from the reflection on the mirror, it appears the little deer was attracted to the light from the camera and went to investigate it.

Some Privacy Please

These deer got up to no good in front of the trail cam.

Just when you think you have some privacy in the middle of the night, deep back in the woods, think again. These deer had no idea who was watching them go at it. Excuse us, carry on.

That's Just Rude

Hey even our wild friends would like some privacy. Turn the camera off buddy.

When it comes to eliminating oneself in front of everyone, what kind of guy wouldn't prefer a little privacy to see what he's doing? Poor guy does not even know that what he's doing is being broadcast for the whole world to see. No one likes to pee in front of people, so why should he?

Just Passing Through

Yes that is correct what you are seeing is a little cat riding its large bison friend.

When you think of wild animals and being friends, you never though of a cat hanging out with a wild bison. Not only that you've never imagined the cat would be riding on the back of one. The animal kingdom is wild!

You Can Dance If You Want To

Ever see a possessed dancing deer in the middle of the night in the woods? Well you have now.

In spite of the fact that this photo appears pretty horrific, what we don't see is that there is another deer out of frame. Deer stand on their hind legs only when they are fighting or trying to act aggressively. It could be either that or this deer is possessed and it only walks around on their hind legs.

Runs Like A Dream!

Raccoon inviting its fox friend to come for a ride in his new whip.

This fox is unaware of what is hidden inside the abandoned car, which is why setting up a trail camera in front of the old wreck is a great idea! Many animals probably use the old car as a shelter for a few days before moving on. 


This bobcat got a little spooked when the trail camera took a couple snap shots.

Or maybe it was a bird that the bobcat saw in the last seconds, either way it made for an awesome trail camera photo. Who knew bobcats could jump that high and that they don't want to be posted on social media!

Apples For Free?

This deer was enjoying a delicious apple when she was suddenly attacked from above.

You didn't see the owl above her did you? At first it looks like this deer dropped all these apples and is fleeing the scene, but on second look you'll notice the owl top center of the screen. Sometimes you have to just get out of there!

Duhhhhhh Hello?

An animal selfie for the ages! This is one of those photos you don't want posted to your socials.

But as you know, they get uploaded anyway! There are endless amounts of funny images taken of animals, but trail cameras are truely the best because it captures the animals in their truest and funniest form!

Fireworks And Nature

An all time perfectly timed photo if you are a nature lover.

A farmer lighting off some fireworks didn't realize a hunter's trail camera would pick up a great photo. A distance away a buck wondering the farm can be seen admiring the fireworks in the night sky.

Bobcat's Dinner Choices

Some deer just don't know when they shouldn't go to certain areas.

We're starting to think deer just think they are friends with all other animals. They'll go to areas they shouldn't and just go up to all kinds of dangerous animals like they are best friends. This bobcat shown above could very easily have some delicious venison if it felt like it.

You Got Any Food?

This bear is just chilling looking for some food or maybe a fight?

Is this bear looking for food or a fight? That is the question, and it was captured here by the trail camera with a nice spot light that might of spooked it. Either way the bear looks like a friend to me.

Let Me Get That For You

Just a little deer grooming going on here in the photo below.

Even deer need to keep up appearances and get a nice grooming in from time to time. This deers friend decided to help out and give a helpful... hand? tongue? Whatever we think this is hilarious.

Mommy Is Sleepy

Mama fox looks a little sleepy while feeding her babies and who can blame her!

Not sure if this is her being relaxed and taking a nap or she is in pain and stressed out. Probably a mix of both! She'll sleep well after this feed that's for sure!

Food Drunk

When you eat so much food that you just immediately pass out after and take a nap.

It looks like these raccoons really hit the jackpot. They found the hunter's feeder and went to chow town. Little did they know they were being watched the entire time! This is what you call food drunk and they'll sleep this one off.

Going Up?

This smart raccoon found the secret to feed his all crew!

A clever little raccoon has figured out a way to feed all of his friends! He just shakes the feeder until the goodies spill out. 

Sad Kitty

This is a depressed cheetah. Well she appears to be a little sad anyway.

Seems like this Cheetah is ready for her close up. Beautiful lady needs to cheer up with those precious eyes.

Liger In The Wild

And you thought they didn't actually exist! Well they do!

This is one of the coolest things that you can ever do - seeing tigers in their natural environment! These cats hold a lot of power, which is amazing. However, that power does dim after they walk around looking pretty funny after a mud bath.

What's Down Here?

Don't mind me this little rabbit just checking out what's down there.

This rabbit is probably being chased by something like an owl or a bobcat, but the hunter's camera caught it in action. Getting some hiding action going so it get rest peacefully would be my guess. Good luck little buddy.

This good?

Bet you never seen a catch of the day as good looking as this!

Otter showing off his catch of the day for the camera. Also decides to eat right in front of the camera which is a rare treat for the person recording this feast.

Really Hungry Owl

Something tells me this owls stomach isn't as big as it think it is.

Not sure what this deer did to deserve the attack. Not like the owl is going to eat the deer... right? Either way the deer is going to some unwelcomed pain and probably a headache.

You Want Some?

Hey, what's happening? What is this thing recording me? Hello?

This bird seems like it wants to fight the camera. It is giving off a very threatening aura. Maybe it just needs a hug.


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Post originally appeared on Lulu Bloom.